Pass On The Love
Continue to support E.F.C.C. Evangel Children’s Home and pass on your love and care to help children and young people from broken and families with difficult background by donating properties, inheritances including cash deposits, properties or fund stocks, etc. and policy donations, let the children to have whole-life cultivation and development. Your generous donation can protect the growth of children, light up their lives, and pass on your endless love to the next generation.

What are included in Legacy Donation?
- Specific percentage residue of estate
- Specific amount in estate (cash) or like cash
- Specific item such as properties, fund stocks, investment stocks, gold, etc.
Firstly, you must make a will, and let the executor carry out your wishes.
Steps to do legacy donation:
- Please entrust your lawyer to make a will for you;
- Appoint a designated executor after deciding on the donation intentions;
- The will drafted by your lawyer is signed by you and the witnesses;
- Please inform your loved ones or designated executor about the arrangement of donation of estate;
- Please also inform Evangel Children’s Home of your decision to donate the estate, fill in the Legacy Donation Intention Form and related memorandum, so that your wishes can be implemented.
(We are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data confidentiality.)
What is Policy Donation?
Policy donation means that the insured person donates a certain percentage of the sum insured for the designated charities by making them policy beneficiaries. Please contact your insurance company to handle:
- New insurance – Please fill in the beneficiary section of the policy and state the distribution ratio (e.g., death compensation is 50% for one family member and 50% for the beneficiary charity);
- Existing insurance to change the beneficiary section – If the policyholder wishes to donate and has purchased the policy, he or she may change the beneficiary after the insurance officially takes effect. It does not require re-approval and the procedure is simple.

Steps to do policy donation:
- Purchase a policy, fill in the beneficiary part of the policy;
- Please inform your loved ones about the arrangement of donating the policy;
- Please also inform the Evangel Children’s Home of your decision to donate the estate, fill in the Legacy Donation Intention Form and related memorandum, so that your wishes can be implemented.
(We are committed to protecting your privacy and personal data confidentiality.)
Pay attention, be sure to give the following information to your lawyer/policy agent:
The beneficiaries of estates and insurance bequests must be the same as the name and business registration certificate number registered under the Companies Registry. Evangel Children’s Home is affiliated to Evangelical Free Church of China. Thus, legacy donation will be collected by Evangelical Free Church of China, and will be processed according to the donor’s wishes to donate to Evangel Children’s Home in accordance with the filled-in “Donation Intention Information Form” and related memorandum.
Company Registration No.: C0004857
IR File No. (Charity Registration No.): 91/210
To designate “Evangel Children’s Home” as the beneficiary of your will/policy, you must fill in the “Legacy Donation Intention Form ” and notify Evangel Children’s Home to prepare the required memorandum.
Tel:(852) 2323 8224

Why Supporting Evangel Children’s Home?
Evangel Children’s Home (ECH) has been committed to supporting the healthy growth of orphans, children and youth from broken families or families with difficult background, providing a safe environment where children can be nurtured and developed with love and care for nearly 70 years. Legacy and policy donations are of great significance and will illuminate the new generation in the future and help these children, teenagers and families. Whether it is the support services such as learning, medical care, training, growth and development provided to residential children or day care service users, or the services for homeless youth, all rely on long-term and stable sources of charitable donations to develop. You can browse our services here and understand our needs.

For enquiry, please contact our Resources and Development Department at 2323 8224, or email to