Evangelical Free Church of China Evangel Children’s Home (Evangel Children’s Home, abbreviated as E.F.C.C. ECH) was established in 1956. The founder is Ms. Ruth Sundquist, an American missionary from the US Evangelical Free Church. ECH has been committed to supporting the healthy growth of orphans, children and youth from broken families or families with difficult background. A safe environment with love and care is provided to nurture and develop children and youth to thrive holistically. Three major services are provided: “Children’s Residential Home Care Service”, “Children’s Day Care Service (SEN School-age Support Program)” and “Youth Home Services (2nd Chance in Life – Transitional Youth Sponsorship Program)”.
Evangel Children’s Home is a qualified charitable organization registered in Hong Kong, a registered member of the Hong Kong Council of Social Services and member of The Community Chest of Hong Kong.

The Founding Spirit of Selfless Love
In 1950s when Evangel Children’s Home was established, the overall living standard of Hong Kong was quite poor. Some parents having many kids, might not be able to afford taking care of all children financially. Or, some parents died in their early ages. Ms. Ruth Sundquist, an American missionary, realized that many orphans lived in the poverty of both material and spiritual at that time, and they could not get enough food, clothing and care. So she decided to found a “home” for those children from broken families and provide a loving environment for them to thrive. Because of the increasing demand for such children’s services, the HK Government allocated a place to build living quarters for the children. At the same time, Rev. Wilbur Nelson, an American pastor, raised funds for the living quarters through his radio broadcast in the USA. In 1963, the living quarters was built. ECH started the service, not only providing food and shelter, but also counseling and spiritual guidance to children and youth.
Changing with the Times Passing on the Mission
With the changes in society, the number of orphans is decreasing. Today, most of the children referred by the Social Welfare Department to the Evangel Children’s Home are deprived of proper care due to their parents’ suffering from physical and mental problems, family problems and various difficulties. Since its establishment, ECH has been fulfilling its big mission by providing “Children’s Home Care Service”. In the 2000s, ECH continued to develop new services to cater for the needs of the society. After the completion of the new building in 2012, the “Children’s Day Care Service” and “Youth Home with Career Guide and Counseling Service” were added. In recent years, there was further expansion on “Youth Home Service” meanwhile the beneficiaries’ age range and service quotas were expanded in response to the changing needs of the times.
From generation to generation, Evangel Children’s Home has been passing on the spirit of selfless love that comes from the scarifying love of Christ.