By carrying on the selfless love and spirit of Ms. Ruth Sundquist, the founder, Evangel Children’s Home has gone through different ages in fulfilling the big mission.

Ms. Ruth Sundquist, American missionary of US Evangelical Free Church, came to HK and started the service of accommodating orphans and children from problematic families. Evangel Children’s Home was founded.
Completion of Service Building at Shatin Pass Road
Taking care of babies, children and youth up to secondary school level, admitting altogether over 90, accommodating also western missionaries.
Taking care of children and youth from kindergarten to secondary school level, admitting about 60 students. Started to receive the government funding in the mid-1980s.
Social welfare policy changed and small group homes emerged. This home focused more on accommodating youngsters, with a total capacity of 64.
Established a Holistic Life Development Center with service expanded to Extended Day Care Service and Counseling Service.
Launched "Day Care Service"
Developed "Prolonged Service Hours" for Day Care Service. The pioneering to provide 14-hour Day Care in the NGO sector. A hostel was refit to Wilbur Hostel for a Youth Home Experimental Project.
Ground-breaking ceremony of the new building of "Holistic Life Development Center" in May.
“Youth Home with Career Guidance and Counseling Service” was launched.
The new building was completed by the end of 2012. (Building costs were donated by Fu Tak Iam Foundation Limited and lots of donors). “Day Care Service” and “Youth Home with Career Guidance and Counseling Services” were in full force.
Wilbur Hostel was reconstructed to Wilbur House. Capacity for Children’s Residental Home Care Service was expanded to 81. Launched in addition “Right Care, Right Time (2Rs) Project” and “2nd Chance in Life – Early Intervention Service" to help children with multiple traumas and special eduation needs.
Launched in addition “Residential On-site Counseling Service” to allow individual children in need to receive long-term follow-up counseling service.
Full launch of “2nd Chance in Life – Transitional Youth Sponsorhsip Program”, providing “Youth Home” and “Youth Community Co-Living Service” for transitional residence to independent living, study, career planning and life nurturing.
“BENZ” youth project has won the first ever Keswick Foundation Limited Champion for Change Award 2018 – KF Recogniton Award, the best project of the year. "Day Care Service – S.E.N. School Age Support Program"fully catered for school-age children with special educational needs and their families.
Expanded with “Youth Community Co-Living Service”, kinds ower provides low rental residency.

Alteration and addition of a sensory integration training room with facilities to provide professional training for SEN children

"Day Care Service" provided extended service to school-based support service.

The “2nd Chance in Life – Early Intervention Program” launched a “Youth Nurturing Seedlings - Grow Together Scheme”, which combined professional assessment of the physical and mental development of children and home training with youth career development enlightenment (Training & Internship being a Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant)
Two properties were donated for accommodation services and charity purposes