
播道兒童之家將於2024年10月26日 (星期六) 舉辦本年度第2期「個人義工簡介會」^,讓有興趣成為義工的人士多了解機構的使命及服務。


時間:上午10:00 – 11:30 (上午9:45開始登記)

(黃大仙港鐵站A出口,轉乘18M專線小巴,於聖母醫院站下車,橫過馬路到對面,本院在聖母醫院側) 查看地圖請登入:https://www.ech.org.hk/聯絡我們/




  1. 大型活動支援小組
  2. 技術小組 (協助美術設計/網頁及多媒體設計/攝錄/影片製作/數碼科技/宣傳)
  3. 課餘活動小組
  4. 籌款義賣小組 



有意成為義工,必須出席「個人義工簡介會」,還未登記的人士,請下載並填寫「義工登記表格-個人義工」填妥後電郵至info@ech.org.hk,並於電郵註明:報名出席「個人義工簡介會」。截止登記及報名參加日期時間:2024年10月22日 晚上11時59分。


查詢:Email: info@ech.org.hk  Tel: 2323 8224


有關申請將按本機構之招募程序並配合服務需要篩選配對進行,填妥登記表後,必須出席「個人義工簡介會」,我們感謝申請者的愛心支持,但能否安排義工服務機會,要視乎本機構之需要及服務之考慮,若未能安排參與服務,恕不另行通知。 家庭/團體義工之申請並不適用。如有任何更改,播道兒童之家保留最終之決定權。


SEN children’s “Ability Rising High” starts with “Children’s Day Care Training”!

Give children more cultivation and targeted training opportunities, and I believe every child can become a star-level outstanding child! Different groups, workshops and activities are specially designed for primary school students with special education needs, allowing them to build diverse abilities through games! Don’t miss it!

Activity goals:

Children-oriented: Organize tailor-made developmental activities and SEN training to meet children’s special needs
Family Focus: Strengthen family unity and promote family harmony.


Children aged 6-13 who attend mainstream primary schools and are assessed as having special educational needs (S.E.N.)

(Mainly for children from CSSA or low-income families who lack appropriate care during the day, but also for ordinary families)

Activities (10/2024-2/2025):

‧”5** Self-Confidence Improvement Group” – Get to know yourself and learn to appreciate yourself through games and activities;

‧”Origami Handicraft Class for Small Hand Muscles” – Improve the fine motor skills of fingers and palms, train hand-eye coordination, and improve writing;

‧”Play to Develop Execution Skills in Small Group” – enhance children’s reaction inhibition, working memory and flexibility through games and visual cues;

‧”Parent-child Special Play Time Parent Workshop”- parent-child activities and games strengthen parent-child intimacy, children are to put down their mobile phones to share intimate time;

‧”Lego Play for Multiple Abilities” – Use six-color building blocks to carry out interesting activities to train children’s concentration, social and emotional expression skills;

‧”Christmas and New Year’s Fun Time at Day Care” – Let children learn and have fun during the holidays, including tutorial, activities, crafts and refreshments, etc.

Opening hours:
10:00-18:30 (Monday to Friday)
10:00-18:00 (Saturday)
Closed on Sundays and public holidays

Let your children shine and their abilities to soar!
Please register as a member now (free of charge) and fill out the form.
Quotas are limited and will be handled on a first come first served basis.
Evangel Children’s Home reserves the right to make the final decision on events.

Service unit location: Evangel Children’s Home – Children’s Day Care Service Centre
(2nd Floor, Extended Building, 120 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon)

For enquiries: 6011 7793 (WhatsApp) Tel: 2323 8224 (ext. 224) Email: echasp@ech.org.hk