
播道兒童之家將於2024年10月26日 (星期六) 舉辦本年度第2期「個人義工簡介會」^,讓有興趣成為義工的人士多了解機構的使命及服務。


時間:上午10:00 – 11:30 (上午9:45開始登記)

(黃大仙港鐵站A出口,轉乘18M專線小巴,於聖母醫院站下車,橫過馬路到對面,本院在聖母醫院側) 查看地圖請登入:https://www.ech.org.hk/聯絡我們/




  1. 大型活動支援小組
  2. 技術小組 (協助美術設計/網頁及多媒體設計/攝錄/影片製作/數碼科技/宣傳)
  3. 課餘活動小組
  4. 籌款義賣小組 



有意成為義工,必須出席「個人義工簡介會」,還未登記的人士,請下載並填寫「義工登記表格-個人義工」填妥後電郵至info@ech.org.hk,並於電郵註明:報名出席「個人義工簡介會」。截止登記及報名參加日期時間:2024年10月22日 晚上11時59分。


查詢:Email: info@ech.org.hk  Tel: 2323 8224


有關申請將按本機構之招募程序並配合服務需要篩選配對進行,填妥登記表後,必須出席「個人義工簡介會」,我們感謝申請者的愛心支持,但能否安排義工服務機會,要視乎本機構之需要及服務之考慮,若未能安排參與服務,恕不另行通知。 家庭/團體義工之申請並不適用。如有任何更改,播道兒童之家保留最終之決定權。


SEN children’s “Ability Rising High” starts with “Children’s Day Care Training”!

Give children more cultivation and targeted training opportunities, and I believe every child can become a star-level outstanding child! Different groups, workshops and activities are specially designed for primary school students with special education needs, allowing them to build diverse abilities through games! Don’t miss it!

Activity goals:

Children-oriented: Organize tailor-made developmental activities and SEN training to meet children’s special needs
Family Focus: Strengthen family unity and promote family harmony.


Children aged 6-13 who attend mainstream primary schools and are assessed as having special educational needs (S.E.N.)

(Mainly for children from CSSA or low-income families who lack appropriate care during the day, but also for ordinary families)

Activities (10/2024-2/2025):

‧”5** Self-Confidence Improvement Group” – Get to know yourself and learn to appreciate yourself through games and activities;

‧”Origami Handicraft Class for Small Hand Muscles” – Improve the fine motor skills of fingers and palms, train hand-eye coordination, and improve writing;

‧”Play to Develop Execution Skills in Small Group” – enhance children’s reaction inhibition, working memory and flexibility through games and visual cues;

‧”Parent-child Special Play Time Parent Workshop”- parent-child activities and games strengthen parent-child intimacy, children are to put down their mobile phones to share intimate time;

‧”Lego Play for Multiple Abilities” – Use six-color building blocks to carry out interesting activities to train children’s concentration, social and emotional expression skills;

‧”Christmas and New Year’s Fun Time at Day Care” – Let children learn and have fun during the holidays, including tutorial, activities, crafts and refreshments, etc.

Opening hours:
10:00-18:30 (Monday to Friday)
10:00-18:00 (Saturday)
Closed on Sundays and public holidays

Let your children shine and their abilities to soar!
Please register as a member now (free of charge) and fill out the form.
Quotas are limited and will be handled on a first come first served basis.
Evangel Children’s Home reserves the right to make the final decision on events.

Service unit location: Evangel Children’s Home – Children’s Day Care Service Centre
(2nd Floor, Extended Building, 120 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon)

For enquiries: 6011 7793 (WhatsApp) Tel: 2323 8224 (ext. 224) Email: echasp@ech.org.hk



《慈母手中線》– 行政事務部「眾人媽媽」張美玲

這個「家」流通著永不止息的愛!眾人愛戴的同工張美玲 (Yvonne姐) 10月榮休了,從製衣業採購員轉職為播道兒童之家的買手,擔任「大小事務總管」已有24年,所載滿的,盡是恩典事、兒家情。


這大家庭,是她除了自己的家及教會之外的第三個家,卻是她用最多時間「經營」的「家」。Yvonne姐形容自己是一個照顧著好大好大的屋企的「阿媽」, 要帶小朋友去買衣服、看醫生、接放學、為孩子縫補校服、協調雜務工作,又要為家舍日用所需之物品去張羅,打點物資。「Yvonne姐! 家舍無米喇!」「冷氣壞了! 光管唔著!」「有孩子在校病了,要接放學…. 要叫廚房煲白粥…要安排睇醫生! 」「校服褲短了要改長啊! 」「有孩子趕不及正常校車時間要另作安排呀。」 這些都是她常會聽到需要幫忙的大小事務。日常工作,她和同事就如機動部隊,每天應付孩子的既定生活流程,同時要處理突發事件。

每個孩子的醫療紀錄Yvonne 都清楚


Yvonne曾於母親節收到孩子的心意咭,有孩子為她親手織冷頸巾,有小男孩說 「大個要做醫生, 將來Yvonne姐老了,我要為Yvonne婆婆醫病!」…一點一滴,暖在心頭。雖然她獨身沒有孩子,上帝卻讓她成為眾人的「母親」,陪伴著大群孩子長大。



回望一起成長的日子,看著服務在擴展及轉變,受助的孩子多了有特殊學習的需要等,經歷著不同的風浪。無論好境或逆境,物資如節日糕點、生果、零食、日用品以致疫情所需之快測包、口罩、甚至隔離床,從不欠缺。 COVID期間,除了充滿愛心的人士背後默默捐贈物資支持,Yvonne姐經歷過院舍爆疫很艱難的階段,同工同心協力抗疫,無私的付出。她相信在主內,沒有難成的事。

回首難忘開心事,離不開看著一個個「長高又長肉」的孩子,住得開心後離開。Yvonne姐憶述有孩子喜歡入住播道兒童之家,因為「有飯食」,瘦得可見猶憐的孩子成了「大飯桶」,漸漸身型變得「大份」了。 她抹不去的難忘傷心事,也離不開,孩子遭遇的創傷與不幸,痛他們的痛。有孩子的媽媽離開了家庭,父親也走了,他袋中留著父親的東西,希望在街上可碰到他相認,那種思念叫她悲痛不已;甚至有院友祗20多或30多歲,因患病離世,至今亦難掩哀傷。說到孩子頑皮激氣事,真是超乎想像。有孩子曾於球場跌破了需要拿上家舍的濃縮洗潔精,清洗時弄得整個球場都是白泡,令人「好嬲又好笑」。有新入宿孩子總是「攪對抗」,有次帶他看醫生,他關了診所大門,扮賊威嚇裏面候診病人,幸好人家體諒。Yvonne姐學習忍耐,感恩孩子亦漸漸改變。





「我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全。」哥林多後書 12:9



24年來,Yvonne姐見證了這機構的恩典是夠用的啊! 默默祝福我「家」會更好!

Weekly HK (Korean News) – Review of HK Elim Presbyterian Church College Ministry’s Volunteer Service at ECH (Translation)

On April 13th, approximately twenty college students from Hong Kong Elim Presbyterian Church (led by Pastor Park조윤태) visited the Evangel Children’s Home, a local residential group home to serve the children from broken families in Hong Kong. There, we conducted a Korean language workshop, shared traditional Korean games (딱지치기 ttakji-chigi and 제기차기 jegichagi) and basketball, introduced Korean food culture, and participated in a mural service project.。

At first, there was a sense of unfamiliarity and distance, but as time passed, the children at Evangel Children’s Home approached us with bright smiles and warm welcomes. Despite their smiles, it was impossible not to feel the pain and difficulties these young friends had been through. Most of the children there had been separated from their parents due to domestic violence and discord. Consequently, I was cautious in approaching them, also worrying whether it might be burdensome for the children. However, as we taught them songs of praise and played traditional games, the children began to open up and enjoy themselves, prompting me to reflect on my own hesitations. “Ah, they are also God’s beloved children,” I thought.

Realizing that I could not solve all their problems or be of significant help was both a burden and a source of compassion. Yet, upon realizing that God could accomplish what I could not, I devoted myself to expressing God’s love to these young friends through my limited language and gestures. I wondered the extent of grace that God, who gently heals even my smallest wounds and sorrows, would extend to these children who have endured great hardships from a young age, and what plans He might have in store for them. This experience led me to a moment of prayer: “I will do my best from my position, God. Please watch over these children, meet them, and stay with them.” I hope that the short time spent with these children offered them some comfort for their wounds and replaced their painful memories with joyful ones. To the end, I look forward to the next visit and will continue to pray that God’s love reaches them.

Master노래 Rae No of NRG Taekwondo, a donor of the Evangel Children’s Home, a local residential group home in Hong Kong, also played a bridging role in this volunteer activity. The loving heart that shares this involvement with others is truly beautiful. The college students conveyed love to the disadvantaged children, and a child who received love will in turn share that love with others. I look forward to seeing such activities continue to flourish.

About Evangel Children’s Home (ECH):

ECH was established in 1956 by an American missionary in Hong Kong. This NGO is committed to supporting the healthy growth of orphans, children and youth from broken families. Part of the funding is raised under the ECH Sponsorship Program for the holistic development of children.


<Text and Photos by Elim Church College Ministry>


Wonderful summer begins with “Children’s Day Care Activities”! Summer and after-school activities, sign up now!

Please plan a happy summer vacation for your children! “Day Care Service” has launched a series of exciting summer and after-school activities, specially designed for primary school students with special educational needs, allowing them to grow in learning and fun! Sign up quickly, don’t miss out!

Activity goals:

Children-oriented: organize tailor-made developmental activities and SEN training to meet children’s special needs


Children aged 6-13 who attend mainstream primary schools and are  assessed as having special educational needs (S.E.N.)
(Mainly for children from CSSA or low-income families who lack appropriate care during the day, but also for ordinary families)

Activities (June-October):

  • “CHILL FUN” Post-Examination that allows children to combine learning with playing after exams,
  • “Happy Summer Vacation” with homework tutoring, outing activities, group activities, camping, sports classes, art classes, STEM education, and recreational time;
  • Through simulated classes, students learn how to pack their schoolbags, learn routines, etc. to help children prepare for the “Adaptation Week” when entering primary school;
  • Use six-color building blocks to carry out interesting activities and train children’s concentration, social and emotional expression skills in “LEGO Play for Multiple Abilities”;
  • The “NCS Group” helps non-Chinese speaking students integrate into school life through simulated scene dialogue, street interviews, games or stories to learn Chinese.

Let your children shine this summer!
Please register as a member now (free of charge) and fill out the form.
Quotas are limited and will be handled on a first come first served basis.
Evangel Children’s Home reserves the right to make the final decision on events.

Service unit location:

Evangel Children’s Home – Children’s Day Care Service Centre
(2nd Floor, New Building, 120 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon) 

For enquiries: 6011 7793 (WhatsApp)
Tel: 2323 8224 (ext. 224)


2024 Volunteers Recruitment “Individual Volunteers Briefing Session”

Evangel Children’s Home will organize an “Individual Volunteer Briefing Session” of this fiscal year on June 15, 2024 (Saturday). This is for those who are interested in becoming volunteers to learn more about the mission and services of the organization.

We welcome mature individuals aged 18 or above, support the mission of our organization, to join us as an individual volunteer with love and care. This is not for material rewards but to bring positive changes to our residential children and youth.

Date: June 15, 2024 (Sat)
Time: 10:30a.m. – 12:00 noon (registration starts at 10:15a.m.)
Venue:Evangel Children’s Home – Mini Hall

120 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin

(Go to Exit A of Wong Tai Sin MTR Station, take the 18M green minibus, get off at the Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital station, cross the road to the opposite side) For map and directions: https://www.ech.org.hk/en/contact-us/

The briefing will be conducted in Cantonese.

^Types of Volunteers needed:

Volunteers for Activities and Other Skill Sets*

  1. Large-scale event support group
  2. Technical team* (Assist in art design/ website & multi-media design / photography and recording/ video production/ information technology/ promotion)
  3. After-school activity group
  4. Fund raising and charity sale

*Priorities in recruiting volunteers
Volunteers for Tutorial Class

For those who are interested in becoming volunteers but have not registered yet, please click https://www.ech.org.hk/Support Us/Personal Volunteers/, download and fill out the “Individual Volunteer Registration Form”, and then email to info@ech.org.hk and write on the email, register for the briefing session also.

Deadline for both Individual Volunteer Registration and participation of Briefing Session will be on June 6, 2024 (on a first-come-first-served basis).

If you have submitted the “Individual Volunteer Registration Form” after October 2023, you will receive the “Volunteer Briefing Invitation Email” before May 31, 2024. If for some reasons, you have not received the “Invitation Email” by May 31, 2024, Please submit again or contact us, thank you!

For inquiries: Email: info@ech.org.hk  Tel: 2323 8224

Individual Volunteers

Points to Note:

Volunteer applications will be reviewed and to be matched in accordance with the organization’s recruitment procedures and service needs. After completing the registration form, you must attend the “Individual Volunteer Briefing Session” according to service requirements”. Whether the applicant can be arranged for volunteer service opportunities will depend on the needs and service consideration of the organization. We thank for volunteers’ initiatives but there may be cases that no further notice will be given if we are unable to arrange.  Applications for family/group volunteers are not applicable. Evangel Children’s Home reserves the right for final decisions when changes become necessary.

“Love ‧ Inheritance Property Donation Thanksgiving Ceremony ” – Lighting Up the Future for Homeless Youth

The family members of the first-generation residents of the Evangel Children’s Home, carrying the love of Christ exemplified by the founder, Ms. Ruth Sundquist, generously donated a 2,000-square-foot property in Kowloon City. This allows our organization to have our own residence, offer more lodging in the community for “senior and youth co-living”, and launch the “Life Coaching – Always Stand by You” service. The “Love‧Inheritance Property Donation Thanksgiving Ceremony ” was held on 2nd of April in the hall of Evangel Children’s Home (ECH), witnessed the love passing down from generation to generation.

We had honorable guests attended the Thanksgiving Ceremony – they were from the property-donating family, Mr. Mak Hei Jit, Ms. Mimi Mak Siu Mei and her husband, Mr. Paul Tuen Yat Kan (we always call him big brother Yat-kan) who was brought up by ECH in 1950s, Mr. So Chun Ho (Chairman, Board of Director of E.F.C.C.), Rev. Chan Wing Chau (General Secretary of the E.F.C.C.), Mr. Lau Kwok Wa (Chairman, The Board of Directors of ECH), together with the children, youth representatives and our staffs who witnessed the grace of the Lord. Through the sharing of our guests, those young people from broken family could understand and feel more about the selfless love behind this precious gift.

Connecting Love with the Community

Mr. Lau Kwok Wa, delivered a welcome speech and shared about the origin of the “Life Coaching – Always Stand by You” service. The Board of Directors, starting from the review and further development of youth services, brainstormed about the idea of the Life Coaching Youth Project. The Mak’s family had made a donation of their property to ECH, passing on love and connecting to the community. Then, our ECH worship team led us singing songs to praise our Lord. Afterwards, Ms. Vivian Law, Superintendent of ECH, narrated the development history of the youth home service and her expectations for the future.

Lighting Ceremony Ignites Mission Legacy

This property donation lit up a new page of the Youth service. A Lighting Ceremony was conducted by our honorable guests, including the property-donating family, board members of E.F.C.C. and beneficiaries. To ignite the light, the guests inserted ‘activation cards’ representing the eight major elements and cultivation directions of the Youth Home service – housing, companionship, gospel, knowledge, connection, funding, etc. – this is a metaphor for the new service giving the youth hope for future career development. The “lighting” symbolized the “Stand by You” co-living program stepping into a new milestone.  This witnessed the “Love‧Inheritance” under Lion Rock in Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong, everyone struggles for small living space. Those homeless youth had to spend most of their salary on housing, but could only afford a tiny subdivided room. They even tried hard to save money for further education, the chance for upward mobility became slim. On the other hand, those retired missionaries, who have dedicated their lives overseas, cannot find suitable housing when they return back to Hong Kong.  Therefore, our ECH big brother’s (the alumni, first-generation admitted child of ECH) family donated their precious property to us. We were really impressed. This spacious property is located near Kowloon City with convenient transportation and all necessities of life, which makes it very suitable for community housing service. This self-owned residence creates a space in which we can have it both ways – both youths and seniors can co-live, interact, and enrich their lives with each other. We are looking forward to passing on the mission from generation to generation

Main Guests conduct the Lighting Ceremony

(From left to right: Mr. Lau Kwok Wa (Chairman, Board of Directors of ECH), Rev. Chan Wing Chau  (General Secretary of the E.F.C.C.), Mr. So Chun Ho (Chairman, Board of Director of E.F.C.C.), Mr. Oliver Mak, Ms. Mimi Mak, Ms. Vivian Law (Superintendent of ECH), Mr. Kyle Kwong (a youth representative of the ECH Youth Home)

“Love‧Inheritance under Lion Rock” – Sharing from Ms. Mimi Mak

Ms. Mimi Mak (Sister Mimi), on behalf of the property-donating family, shared her perception of this donation. She expressed, “God’s grace awaits us, no matter how difficult it is. God always has abundant grace.” “Thanks God, Ms. Ruth Sundquist raised up Paul, whom God prepared him for me (my husband). He was inspired with the gospel and believes in God, otherwise we would not have such fruitful blessings nowadays.” After her mother’s death, she continued, the inherited property has been unoccupied. One day, God moved her heart, and she conceived the idea of donating the property to ECH in where her husband, big brother Paul, grew up. The property’s inheritance rights, however, were jointly owned by her four siblings. When Mimi proposed the donation suggestion, all other three siblings agreed unanimously. “Commit your way unto the Lord; trust in him, and he will bring it to pass. (Psalm 37:5)” said Mimi. This shows the Lord’s wonderful guidance, passing on the Lord’s love through human hands, using the property in a more meaningful way, willing to “returning God’s blessings for God’s use.”

Ms. Mimi Mak and Mr. Paul Tuen

Foster home youth, Jessica, created an artwork based on our special character ” ” for making a souvenir for them. The artwork showed our home filled with love and peace.  An angel was fishing leisurely under the stars – this represented our home is a place where youth can rest, develop and be guided. A “home” here means a house having a ‘man’ and with “Lord” together. (The special Chinese character ” ” was designed by the Senior Pastor at the time of Grace Church of EFCC.)

Gratitude Sharing from the Youths of Foster Children’s Home

Kyle, Lynn, Gary and Icy, who were those residents and alumni of the Youth Home, shared their stories about the time when they were at the Youth Home Service. They treated the Youth Home as an oasis in their life, a place where could provide them strength and rest. In Hong Kong which is a fast-paced society filled with pressure, our Youth Home is a place where love, support, and endless encouragement could be found; a place where their hopes for future could be nurtured.  One of the youths shared his future goal is to follow the step like Mak’s family and “to donate an apartment to Evangel Children’s Home after 50 years!” Another alumnus has become a hostel parent at the residential children’s home and she determined to influence one’s life with her experience to help needy children. This really showed the meaningful life brought by the residential home service to the young people.


Rev Law Siu Tsuen (Vice Chairman, Board of Directors of the Paulus Cultural Center) shared the short-term accommodation needs of missionaries through a video. General Secretary, Calvin Lau (E.F.C.C. – Hong Kong Overseas Missions Board) also shared the meaning and opportunity of the “Life Coaching – Always Stand by You” program, how the missionaries and the young people bless each other, and also ‘influence life with life’.

All Things Work Together for Good

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. Rev. Chan Wing Chau (General Secretary of the E.F.C.C.), recalled how he heard about the” dream” two years ago, prayed, and kept waiting in front of God.  He kept seeking guide for both the housing needs of the youth home and missionaries. From nothing to something, God’s grace was accomplished through the Mak’s family in an unexpectedly beautiful way.  “What is impossible to be happened now turn to be really happened!”  Let the good seeds be sown in good soil.

Rev. Chan Wing Chau (General Secretary of the E.F.C.C.) Gives Thanks and Blessings

Evangel Children’s Home thanks the Mak’s family for donating the property, which can provide more lodging for homeless youth and adults to co-live, expanding the 2nd Chance in Life – Transitional Youth Sponsorship Program in our community – “Life Coaching – Stand by You”. Those homeless youth can break through from the predicament of self-reliant living and go ahead for their goals without fear.

Residential Home Care Service – House Parent

Working hours

  • 44 hours per week (not including night shift)
  • Required to work on shifts and night shifts

Job duties

  • Responsible for the operation of the boy’s dormitory
  • Individual, academic and social development of children and adolescents

Education and experience

  • Pass five subjects in HKCEE including Chinese and English (Syllabus B) or equivalent
  • Mature, caring and a team player who likes to get along with children and teenagers

Salary and benefits

  • On-duty meals, medical allowance and MPF
  • Salary depends on work experience and education (monthly salary above HK$21,000)

Applicants should share the vision of our organization and have team spirit. For interested parties, please send your resume and expected salary to the Administrative Department, 120 Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, or email to info@ech.org.hk . (Applicants not invited to interview within 2 months may consider their applications unsuccessful. Applicants’ personal data will be destroyed after the recruitment process is completed).

In response to the implementation of the “Sexual Conviction Record Check”, the hired person will be required to conduct a Sexual Conviction record check on a voluntary basis.