宿舍家長安臣哥在恩雨之聲 – 恩雨同路人電台節目,分享了生命見證。節目在恩雨之聲及新城台財經台播出。
宿舍家長安臣哥在恩雨之聲 – 恩雨同路人電台節目,分享了生命見證。節目在恩雨之聲及新城台財經台播出。
Please donate Red Packet to send blessings to our vulnerable children of Residential Care Service and ignite hope.
Where to go after the age of 18? For an indepedent life, they firstly need to have a “stable home”!
“Am I living to survive or to make a living?” A youth who living in our hostel asked one day. Life has various pursuits. However, when someone is still worried about having enough food or a stable place to live every day, in lack of support, he/she may feel exhausted
Shita found the meaning of life in Evangel Children’s Home (ECH). When she first came and lived in ECH, there were many things that she was not used to. In the early stage, she did not want to be disciplined, and she even thought to leave. After 2 years, she