《Walk in grace》-  Shita

Shita found the meaning of life in Evangel Children’s Home (ECH). When she first came and lived in ECH, there were many things that she was not used to. In the early stage, she did not want to be disciplined, and she even thought to leave. After 2 years, she started engaging to that new life and learned many life skills there. What was more in bless and made her proud of was that she confirmed her relation with GOD.

Jesus Calling To True Happiness

She made friends with Home’s children, but more importantly, through shepherding, she got to know the Lord Jesus! She participated in worship every week at a church and got to know many brothers and sisters in lord. But after a while, she began to feel bored, and she had not been returning to the church for six months. She thought she would be satisfied living the life she wanted, but it turned out that she was not happy at all. When she asked herself: “What is the meaning of life?” There was a voice from her heart, calling her to go back to the church to find the answer, and she did so. As soon as she stepped into the church, a sister hugged her and they both cried. At that moment, she felt relieved and suddenly enlightened

Go Deeper with Christ

After she returned to the Church, she was eager to experience the Lord’s love more deeply, so she participated in the church’s retreat camp. One of the activities required her to blindfold herself and put her hands into a cardboard box to get seeds, which aroused fear in her heart. She tried to muster up the courage many times but failed. At that time, a younger sister next to her said to her,

“Jesus is willing to die for us, so why should we be afraid?” She was given a wake-up and felt that her faith was too little.

After the retreat camp, she felt how deeply God loved her and determined to do more to respond to His love. She uses her knowledge of nail art to serve in the fellowship and invites her friends to church, getting more people to know the Lord!

Shita’s life is establishing day by day. We bless her to receive love from Jesus father by faith, and be a blessing of more other people around.

Shita serves in fellowship, do manicure for sisters


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